Friday, June 17, 2011

DOL Timesheet App for iPhone

Travelers RMplusonline

Good ole Uncle Sam is at it again.

There's a new app for the iPhone that many small biz owners may not be to thrilled about. The DOL has recently released an iPhone app that will allow hourly employees to track their own hours to ensure that they are paid the correct amount. This may open up a can of worms for many small biz owners who may not have accurate employment records and may also increase the amount of fraudulent wage compliants filed with the DOL.

Take a look at the article and let me know your thoughts about this new app. Also if you have an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad be sure to download the app and try it out for yourself and let us know what you think of it.

The Tech Accountant


marketarbitage said...

Good article that discusses controversy the DOL Timesheet app is creating

Unknown said...

Thanks for the link marketarbitage. Here is an update after a poll was taken. Most think the app is a bad idea. See here: