Monday, November 01, 2010

Using Logic and Love in Your Small Business

While going thru my e-mails recently, I came across one of those chain e-mails that everyone sends…you know the one’s that always ends with send this to….and instead of simply deleting this one I figured what the heck let’s see what this one is all about.

Well the e-mail was initially sent to provide the reader with a new outlook on living their lives knowing when to use logic or love. It described in detail what logic and love were and how they are used in our interactions and relationships every day. Logic was described as being aggressive, argumentative, detailed oriented and sparking debate. Love was described as being compassionate, empathetic, building relationships and communion.

The descriptions got me to thinking “How can one use logic and love in their small business operations” since many of the terms used to describe logic and love are needed by entrepreneurs to run their own business. I came up with two major areas where an entrepreneur can use logic and love to effectively manage and grow their business.

Business Operations – Logic Rules the Day

Entrepreneurs need to use logic when they are focusing on business operations. Since logic sparks debate and is argumentative, those skills will come in handy say when dealing with bill disputes or improving daily operational procedures that may need reviewing. Logic is also detailed oriented and attention to detail is always great for productivity and efficiency. Logic will also assist an entrepreneur with ethical issues since when one is using logic there is typically no grey area.

Start-Up/Marketing – Love What you Do

Entrepreneurs must initially use love when they start their business. One of the most important aspects of starting a business is finding something you love to do and offer that product or service to the public. I love to help people save money, time and grow their business that’s why I’m in accounting. An entrepreneur should find what they are passionate about before starting a business. The passion will then carry over in your dealings with clients/customers. Marketing is simply about building relationships, and being compassionate about your clients needs. By using love to build relationships, a small business owner has a better chance of growing their business.

These are just a few of the ways I see that an entrepreneur can use logic and love to assist them in growing their business and becoming great at what they do. Feel free to post your comments below.

The Tech Accountant

1 comment:

Brian J. Winston said...

I certainly agree with the Love What You Do component of a business. Its quite essential and as a small business owner it makes 100% logical sense to do so as a career. Many people believe that they cannot monetize their passions. To me I disagree - if its truly your passion, the streams of possible income will appear - if you are aware of the opportunities.