Thursday, April 29, 2010

Business Development Workshops

Last evening I had the pleasure to sit-in (and contribute) to a business development workshop aimed at helping those interested in starting their own businesses get the tools they need to start off on the right track. The workshops are being put on by John C Riley of The E-mail Specialist/Atlanta Professional Business Network and Marc Parham of Partec Consulting Group, Inc. The 2-hour workshop last night was a first in a three part series that will take place every Wednesday at the East Point Library for the next few weeks. Last night’s workshop dealt with the legal aspects of starting a business, business plan development, and marketing your business. Next week we will dive deeper into the business planning aspect of start-up and help aspiring entrepreneurs write their business plans. Following are a few pictures from last night’s workshop and we would like to assist more individuals that want to start their own businesses. The next workshops are as follows:

Business Development Workshop Part II – Wednesday May 5th 2010 6-8pm

Business Development Workshop Part III – Wednesday May 12th 2010 6-8pm

For more information regarding these free workshops feel free to contact John, Marc, Michael, or myself via the website links listed in this post.

The Tech Accountant

Marc and John

John discusses marketing

Q&A session

Michael Hickman talks about library resources

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

You Have Choices in the Cafeteria

Thanks to the IRS and Notice 2010-38, small business owners (SBO’s) with cafeteria plans now have guidance on how to provide the recently passed tax free health coverage for employees with children. The employees’ children must be under the age of 27 and are eligible for the tax benefits from March 30th 2010. The term “child” can mean a son, daughter, stepchild, adopted child or eligible foster child. Those SBO’s that have cafeteria plans may allow their employees to immediately take pre-tax salary reductions to provide coverage to their employee’s children.

According to IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman the changes will “make it as easy as possible for employers to quickly implement this change and extend health coverage on a tax-favored basis to older children of their employees.”

The Tech Accountant

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

New HIRE Form

For those small business owners that will be adding employees in the future, there is a new proposed form that will need to be filled out to ensure that your new employees qualify for the HIRE Act's tax break.

To view the draft of the form click here.

The Tech Accountant